Kostroma is an ancient Russian city which keeps patriarchal character and provincial deliberateness to present day. Here every stone denotes history and tells you much interesting information, if pay attention.
An ancient Kostroma Land is an area under protection. Traditions, holidays, folkways still subsist here. Our Land rememmbers hoary legends, immemorial time, epic heroes and multitudinous folks who have inhabited this land since olden days and, who have left their mark in Russian history, language and national folklore: Merja, Chud, Cheremis, Komi, Perth and so on.
One of the legendary folks dissolved in the abundance of ethnic groups inhabiting Kostroma is Berendey. There is so little in people’s memory about this folk. Maybe the Berendey-hat, a wooden berendey-toy, many living and significant places named after this ancient folk.
In dialects of our Land there are some words from the berendey’s language. What is more, legends and fairy-tales, details of costumes and finery are well preserved.
The project “ Russian Earth… Berendey Land” is taken to this mysterious folk with a cryptic name.